Discussion with Professor Shaye J.D. Cohen 希伯来文学教授Shaye Cohen讲《圣经》

May 18, 2014 - Professor Shaye J. D. Cohen, Chair of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy of Harvard University, gave an excellent speech on the topic “Judeo-Christianity & Scripture” at Moishe House. He shared his point of view on the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christian. His lecture is the 3rd popular lecture in the whole Harvard University now and the over 20 alumni coming all gave high valuation on this intellectual speech.  

2014年5月18日晚上8:30,在北京朝阳区世贸国际公寓 C1座 22A室 Moishe House,哈佛北京校友校友们聆听了哈佛大学希伯来文学和哲学教授Shaye Cohen讲述犹太和基督教对《圣经》的不同解读,会上教授的讲解引发了校友们对宗教的思考。
