Harvard Alumni Tea Talks: UCCA, 798 and Contemporary Art in China 哈佛校友茶话会:UCCA、798
Harvard Alumni Tea Talks: UCCA, 798 and Contemporary Art in China
On Saturday. September 14, 16 Harvard alumni and friends came to the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in Beijing for the third Harvard Alumni Tea Talk hosted by GSAS alum Philip Tinari, director of UCCA. Phil gave a rich account of the history of UCCA and the 798 Art District, drawn from his years of experience in the contemporary art scene in China. Phil then had a wide-ranging discussion with the audience that spanned topics including art education, challenges of running an art museum in China and trends in contemporary art in China. The event concluded with Phil giving a tour of the shows in UCCA.
2013年9月14日(周六),第三期哈佛校友茶话会在尤伦斯当代艺术中心举行,由尤伦斯艺术中心馆长GSAS校友田霏宇(Philip Tinari)主持,共有16名哈佛校友参加。田馆长给大家详细介绍了尤伦斯当代艺术中心和798艺术区的历史和发展。接着,他围绕艺术教育、艺术馆经营以及当代艺术的发展趋势等话题与校友们展开了广泛的讨论。最后,田馆长还带领大家参观了尤伦斯当代艺术中心的展览。