2013 Annual Alumni Appreciation Dinner 2013年北京校友会年度答谢晚宴
2013 Annual Alumni Appreciation Dinner
The 2013 Annual Appreciation Dinner was held on 10th March 2013 at the Beijing Kerry Center Hotel. Around 200 guests, alumni and their families and friends attended the event. Prof. Fu Jun, President of Harvard Club of Beijing, welcomed the guests and alumni on behalf of the board of HCB. After his New Year greetings, Prof. Fu expressed appreciation for the support the club had received in the past year. HCB Vice-President Mason Xu presented HCB's financial report, which was followed by a work report on the achievements in 2012 by the Secretary.
2013年3月10日,哈佛北京校友会年度答谢晚宴在北京嘉里大酒店隆重举行。活动邀请到嘉宾、校友及亲朋近200人出席。 哈佛北京校友会会长傅军先生代表全体理事向参加晚宴校友和来宾致欢迎词,在向嘉宾和校友致以新年问候的同时,向为校友会做出贡献和支持的个人和机构表示感谢。副会长许亮总结了2012年校友会财务报告。秘书处在晚宴上向校友们汇报了过去一年来的校友会工作。