[11/14] Start-up Fair Open For Registration!
MIT, Harvard and Stanford Alumni Clubs of Beijing invite you to join our Start-up Fair on November 14. The Start-up Connector will bring together private start-up companies, alums and students (MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Tsinghua, Beida etc) and angel investors in a high-energy networking fair.
November 14, 2015 (Sat)
13.00-19.00 (For start-ups)
14.00-16.30 (For attendees)
By joining us:
Start-ups may find new team members to help them grow. They can also search for potential partners, including other start-ups and established companies and make connections with potential investors. The companies involved range from early stage startups to larger pre-IPO companies. The event provides an afternoon casual conversations and technical discussion that showcases the uniqueness of each company and the opportunities available.
Alums and current students can get a look at companies in a wide variety of growth stages, to potentially find a job, an internship, or synergies between their own company and the exhibiting companies.
1pm: doors open for companies to prepare.
2pm: doors open for attendees, opening speech.
2pm to 4:30pm: recruiting and partnership fair, open to local alumni and students
For Start-ups:
Every Start-up will have a 4-square-meter space that has:
- a high round table to showcase your product or service, take notes of interesting candidates and partners, and display flyers or promotional materials
- space for one free-standing banner
Please note that there won't be electricity sockets available, make sure to bring enough battery if you plan to display your product on a laptop.
If you are interested in further promotion opportunities to our 200+ attendees, contact Helene Ponty ( hponty@alum.mit.edu ) to learn more about our sponsorship packages.
PLEASE NOTE: Maximum 3 representatives per company can be present at the event
Who can exhibit?
- Companies with an MIT, Harvard or Stanford alum in the founding team
- Companies with an MIT, Harvard or Stanford alum in the top employees (senior VP and above)
What can you expect:
- Access to talented alums for our three schools but also local schools (Tsinghua, Beida etc) to fill open positions and internships
- Interaction with later stage companies to find potential partners / suppliers / customers
- Networking with top local VCs and Angels in an informal setting to introduce your company
- Practice your company pitch and get feedback on your product, technology and business plan
For Attendees:
Who can attend:
- Alumni and Students of major US, Chinese and European schools.
- Priority will be given to alumni and students of MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Tsinghua and Beida.
- Maximum attendance of 150
What can you expect?
- Survey a wide variety of job opportunities
- Find potential partners / suppliers / customers for your own business
- Snapshot of technologies and business plans being considered (and funded)
- Contact peers with similar interests
Start-up: https://yoopay.cn/event/71723585
Investors: https://yoopay.cn/event/12082793
Attendees(because of limited space, we will inform you after your registration is accepted):https://yoopay.cn/event/76830543