The Christmas season has arrived, and as 2023 draws to a close, we want to express our gratitude to all our Harvard alumni and friends for their continuous support. This year, the Harvard Club of Beijing, in collaboration with the UPenn Club of Beijing, the Cornell Club of China, NYU Alumni Club of Beijing, and the Alumni Association of Positive Psychology Instructors at Tsinghua University's School of Social Sciences, cordially invites all alumni and their loved ones to join us for the 2023 Christmas Dinner. Let's raise our glasses and gather to share the most beautiful moments.
2023.12.23 周六
5:00-10:00 PM
服装/Dressing Code
商务休闲 Business Casual
Early Bird: RMB 595/person (limited)
Regular Ticket: RMB 650/person
Walk-in: RMB 865/person (名额有限不保证进场)
单桌票:RMB 6200/桌(十位)
*票价包含酒水,No Refunds*
5:00-5:30 PM
5:30-6:30 PM
6:30-7:00 PM
7:00-10:00 PM
晚宴&抽奖(Dinner & Raffle)
季卫东博士为 “全明星投资基金” 的创始人和管理合伙人,该基金专注于投资大中国区新经济行业的冠军,并通过其吸引的 “明星投资人” 为企业带来增值。在过去的近10年里,基金投资了多家科技领袖包括小米、滴滴、商汤科技、陆金所(中国领先的金融科技服务平台)、满帮(中国货运物流业的优步)、途家(中国版的Airbnb)、Grab (东南亚出行和外卖服务业领袖)、哈啰出行(中国最大的共享单车服务平台)、天鹅到家 (即“58家政”,中国家政服务和培训业的领导者) 、丰巢(中国领先的电商基础设施)和Fiture (中国智能健身业领袖) ;其中六家已经上市。季博士曾任摩根士丹利董事总经理及亚洲互联网和科技行业的投资研究负责人,参与了十多家公司的上市工作,包括腾讯和阿里巴巴;他在机构投资人 (Institutional Investors)排名榜上名列前茅,获有iResearch“新经济最佳投资银行分析师”的称号,并被英国 “金融时报” 评为亚洲软件与服务产业第一的选股专家(No. 1 stock picker) 及Asiamoney软件和互联网业的亚洲第一团队。他拥有哈佛大学博士学位,并拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 MBA 学位(荣获院长名誉榜),他从复旦大学获得学士学位。
Richard Ji
Dr. Richard-Weidong Ji is the founder and managing partner of All-Stars Investment Limited, which focuses on investing in new economy champions in Greater China. Over the past 10 years, it has invested in private tech leaders, such as Xiaomi, Didi, SenseTime, Lufax (China’s top online wealth management platform), Full Truck Alliance (the "Uber" equivalent in China's logistics market), Tujia (China’s Airbnb), Grab (Southeast Asia’s ride-hailing and food delivery services leader), Hello Inc. (China’s largest two-wheel mobility services platform), Swan Daojia (or 58 Home, China’s top domestic helper services platform), Hive Box (China’s leading logistics infrastructure player) and Fiture (Peloton-like smart fitness services leader in China). Six of them were already listed via IPO. Before founding All-Stars, Dr. Ji was the Managing Director and the head of Asia Internet and Technology investment research at Morgan Stanley. He has participated in the IPOs of over a dozen companies, including Tencent and Alibaba.com. He was highly ranked by the Institutional Investor and was awarded “The Best Investment Bank Analyst for New Economy” by iResearch. He was rated as “the No. 1 stock picker in software and services” in Asia by Financial Times and was also voted as the First Team (Asia) by Asiamoney. He received his Doctor of Sciences degree from Harvard University and an MBA degree from Wharton Business School (University of Pennsylvania), where he was on the Director's List for academic excellence. He received his B.S. degree from Fudan University.
清华大学社科学院积极心理学研究中心副主任,国际积极心理学协会顾问委员,世界大学幸福教育与科学联盟秘书长,国际积极教育协会驻华代表。“清华-北大-伯克利”联合培养心理学博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学应用心理学硕士,师从“积极心理学之父”塞利格曼教授,也是美国罗格斯大学化学硕士、计算机硕士。清华大学Global Open Course "Positive Psychology"(全球公开课《积极心理学》)、学堂在线MOOC《积极心理学》、得到APP《积极心理学》、中央电视台“文化视点”《幸福课》主讲人,美国《积极心理学日报》(Positive Psychology News Daily)专栏作家,著有《无行动,不幸福》、《消极时代的积极人生》、《自主教养:焦虑时代的父母之道》,译有《持续的幸福》、《终身幼儿园》、《园丁与木匠》。清华大学社科学院积极心理学研究中心副主任,国际积极心理学协会顾问委员,世界大学幸福教育与科学联盟秘书长,国际积极教育协会驻华代表。“清华-北大-伯克利”联合培养心理学博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学应用心理学硕士,师从“积极心理学之父”塞利格曼教授,也是美国罗格斯大学化学硕士、计算机硕士。清华大学Global Open Course "Positive Psychology"(全球公开课《积极心理学》)、学堂在线MOOC《积极心理学》、得到APP《积极心理学》、中央电视台“文化视点”《幸福课》主讲人,美国《积极心理学日报》(Positive Psychology News Daily)专栏作家,著有《无行动,不幸福》、《消极时代的积极人生》、《自主教养:焦虑时代的父母之道》,译有《持续的幸福》、《终身幼儿园》、《园丁与木匠》。
Zhao Yukun
Deputy Director of the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, Consultant Member of the International Positive Psychology Association, Secretary-General of the World University Happiness Education and Science Alliance, Resident Representative of the International Positive Education Association in China. He holds a joint Ph.D. in Psychology from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and the University of California, Berkeley. He also earned a master's degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, studying under Professor Martin Seligman, known as the "father of positive psychology." Additionally, he holds master's degrees in Chemistry and Computer Science from Rutgers University in the United States.
Zhao Yukun is a lecturer for the Tsinghua University Global Open Course "Positive Psychology," the MOOC "Positive Psychology" on XuetangX, the "Positive Psychology" course on the Dedao app, and the "Happiness Course" on China Central Television's "Cultural Viewpoint" program. He is also a columnist for the American "Positive Psychology News Daily." He has authored books such as "Happiness Requires Action," "A Positive Life in a Negative Era," and "Autonomous Parenting: The Way of Parents in an Anxious Age." He has translated works including "The How of Happiness," "The Lifetime Kindergarten," and "The Gardener and the Carpenter."